A tool for caregivers and for parents
Parents know immediately what their kid is doing during the day. They don’t have to wait for the end of the day to find out what happened. They can connect to their account anytime, whether they are at work, at home or away on a trip. It reduces the anxiety of being away from the child not knowing what’s happening. Parents will be less stressed and more relaxed leaving their child at the day care.
Improved tools for parents
Parents can also enter information when the baby is at home. For instance they can tell at what time the baby woke up in the morning before going to the day care, or when he ate and how much. The day care staff will also have access to this information via the program, this information will be very important for the staff to know when to give the next feeding or the next nap. This information trail is also useful for day care shift change, and when the baby is going back home.
Better accuracy of record, better care for children
The information from previous days is easily accessible. Parents and caregivers can easily see what happened the previous day to find out if new patterns are emerging. They can also see what activity the child has done the previous day to develop a new activity or a new skill the next day.
An app for everybody
Daily Connect is available to everybody: as a native application on iPhone, iPad, Android, and Kindle Fire, or as a free web application from any browser. The application can be used by teachers, directors and by parents. Parents who don’t want to use the app and register will still receive a summary email in their mailbox at the end of the day.